Jakarta is open to collaborate!
We are happy to share the exciting news of Jakarta Business Forum that will be held in Expo 2020 Dubai on 15-16 March 2022.
As the engine of the national economy, Jakarta offers numerous investment opportunities—ranging from infrastructure to transportation projects—to build a more liveable and sustainable metropolitan city.
Join us live in Business Lounge Pavilion Indonesia or online through https://bit.ly/BUSINESSFORUM
We are also ready to assist you to find the suitable potential project through One-on-One Meeting. For more project info details, please visit https://bit.ly/ONEONONEMEETING
Come and collaborate with us!
Jakarta siap untuk berkolaborasi!
Jakarta Business Forum akan diselenggarakan di Expo 2020 Dubai pada 15-16 Maret 2022.
Sebagai pusat ekonomi, Jakarta menawarkan beragam kesempatan investasi—dari proyek infrastruktur hingga transportasi—untuk membangun kota metropolitan yang berkelanjutan.
Temui kami secara langsung di Business Lounge Paviliun Indonesia atau daring melalui https://bit.ly/BUSINESSFORUM
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kami juga siap memberikan asistensi via One-on-One Meeting. Registrasi melalui https://bit.ly/ONEONONEMEETING
Datang dan berkolaborasilah dengan Jakarta!