Length, Area, and Status by Kind of Roads

Kind of Road Length (m) Area (m2) Status of Road
Toll 138.689 3.172.176 Toll
Primary Arteries 51.394 816.520 National
Primary Collectors 2.158 31.510 National
Secondary Arteries 665.534 10.888.964 Province
Secondary Collectors 780.437 6.633.725 Province
City Administration 4.642.595 22.167.952 Province
Total 6.280.807 43.710.847

Roads in Jakarta are divided into several types, namely State roads (primary arteries and primary collectors), Provincial roads (secondary arteries and secondary collectors), toll roads, and city administration roads.
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021

Individual Internet Access

Individual Internet Acces (%)

The portion of the population that has access to the Internet has increased every year. Click here for table
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021

Proportion of Individual Handphone Users

Proportion of Individual Handphone usage (%)

The proportion of individual handphone Usage is the ratio between individuals who own a cell phone to the total population (BPS). Click here for table
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021