Provincial Minimum Wage

Provincial Minimum Wage of DKI Jakarta Province

Minimum wages are determined annually accordingly to ensure a decent living taking into account productivity and economic growth. Click here for table
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021

Average Net Wage/Salary per-Month

Average of Net Wage/Salary per Month of Employee by Sector in DKI Jakarta Province (IDR), 2019

Graph is in IDR, as average of net wage/salary per month of employee by sector in DKI Jakarta province in 2019. Employee refers to someone who works for other people or agencies/offices/companies on a permanent basis by receiving wages/salaries in the form of money or goods (BPS). The average monthly wages of employees in Jakarta vary widely. Click here for table
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021

Labor Force by Regency

Working Percentage to Labor Force

Labor force is persons of 15 years old and over who, in the previous week, were working, temporarily absent from work but having jobs, and those who did not have work and were looking for work. Based on Chart, the overall percentage of the population of DKI Jakarta who works for the workforce is 89%. Seribu Islands has the largest percentage of the working population of the labor force population compared to other areas of DKI Jakarta, which is 93%. Click here for table
Source: Statistics Indonesia (BPS), 2021