Alaspadu Cipete

Project Overview

RT Jakarta, in its development of transit-oriented areas and its role as a district manager, envisions providing affordable housing within TOD areas with easy access to public transportation modes. Starting with the Transit-Oriented Area of Cipete, Alaspadu Cipete (a co-living) offers residences located directly adjacent to the MRT Cipete Station. Spanning 627 m2 of land with a Gross Floor Area of 1,120 m2, it comprises co-living units and commercial spaces, with a total investment value of USD 936,000.

We invite partners and potential investors to participate in realizing Alaspadu Cipete through equity participation, as well as co-living operator partners who can collaborate in operations and investment. Alaspadu Cipete will serve as a catalyst in providing affordable housing within TOD areas, supporting accessibility and mobility for commuters.

Market Opportunity
Urban Forest Ritel and FnB Business, MRTJ Passenger, Co-Living

Supporting Infrastructure
MRT Jakarta North - South Line (Lebak Bulus - Ancol)

Investment Cost
IDR. 15,23 Billion

Investment Opportunity : Participation Equity
Source of Revenue :
• Room Rent
• Commercial Tenant
Current Status : Pre-Feasibility Study
Land Area : GFA 1.120 m2

Financial Analysis

Payback Period : Contact for further information
Net Present Value : Contact for further information
Investment Rate of Return : Contact for further information

Expected Start Date

Construction: 2024
Operational: early of 2026



-6.279150, 106.796834

Contact Info

Name: Muhammad Hendardi Subianto
Job Title: Acting Department Head of TOD Asset, Permit, & Business Management

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