potential projects

Health Tourism for Seniors (PT. Jakarta Tourisindo (JXB))

Project Overview

Data from Statistics Indonesia shows that the population structure of Indonesia's elderly in 2025 will reach 36 million people, and estimated to reach 63.31 million people or almost 20% of Indonesia's total population in 2045. Most elderly homes in Indonesia are intended for neglected elderly people and have not implement the concept of a community-based 'senior living center' and entertainment with a monthly fee.

The purpose of establishing Health Tourism For Seniors is to provide a premium hospitality experience for the elderly in Jakarta with a more affordable price compared to other providers. In addition, in its operations, the to-be-built senior living center by PT Jakarta Tourisindo will prioritizes comfort, physical and mental fitness as well as crafting activities that would become elements of creative economy education and tourism in Jakarta

  • Total Area & Status

     JXB - Owned Property

  • Mode of Offer

     Revenue Sharing

  • Project Owner

     PT Jakarta Tourisindo

  • Project Status

     Concept Phase

Investment Cost
IDR. 560,00 Billion

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