Jakarta Provincial Government with its investment partners established an inclusive collaboration to curate the potential projects. These projects were managed by local government agencies and regional-owned enterprises. Our projects selection were expected to fulfil Jakarta’s infrastructure needs aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework and Regional Medium Development Plan (RPJMD) 2017-2022.

the projects

LRT Jakarta Phase 2A
LRT Jakarta Phase 2A
LRT Jakarta Phase 1A started operating in 2019 and has a 5.8 km (3.6 mi) line serving six stations, from Pegangsaan Dua in North Jakarta to Velodrome in East Jakarta. It is going to be extended 6.4 km to Manggarai from Velodrome, which will be finished in 2026, so it ...

Sudirman Station Revitalization
Sudirman Station Revitalization
As part of the transit nodes in the Center of Jakarta, Sudirman Station is one of the mass transportation infrastructure that contributes to a large number of passenger (with average 30k-40k passanger / day), which is located in TOD Dukuh Atas that offers one of the largest transit nodes in ...

Lebak Bulus Park And Ride & Mixed-Use Development
Lebak Bulus Park And Ride & Mixed-Use Development
TOD Lebak Bulus is one of the 5 areas in Jakarta that is designated as Transit Oriented Development Area by DKI Jakarta Government which is located in South Jakarta and acts as The Gate of South of Jakarta. As part of the development in TOD Lebak Bulus, this mixed use ...