potential projects

Tanah Taman Kota / Lingkungan

Project Overview

The plan to develop Taman Kota into a commercial is a strategic move with great potential. Located at the heart of Jakarta's bustling business district and seamlessly connected to the Rasuna Said TOD LRT, this project presents promising opportunities. Covering an area of approximately 2000 m2, it is surrounded by residential areas, popular shopping destinations, and prominent sports facilities such as Rasuna Apartment, Epiwalk Mall, and Soemantri Sports Arena, making it even more appealing.

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Financial Analysis

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Expected Start Date

Contact for further information


Jalan H. Cokong/Jalan Taman Rasuna Said, Kelurahan Karet Kecamatan Setiabudi Kota Administrasi, Jakarta Selatan

Contact Info

Name : Imelda
Phone Number : +6285283783807

Name : Sidik Nur Toha
Phone Number : +6285891562252

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