potential projects

Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS) Zone 8

Project Overview

The Jakarta Sewerage System is listed as one of the Priority Infrastructure projects. The project is part of the Jakarta Sewerage System program that intends to develop and manage domestic wastewater treatment in 15 zones, including zones that are currently in operation. The overall objective of the project is to improve the environmental situation in Jakarta Zone 8 by collecting and treating 80% of the domestic wastewater generated in the service area and discharging the treated wastewater in line with applicable environmental standards and regulations. It is anticipated that the remaining 20% will be covered by onsite septic tanks, with regular emptying and sludge treatment. This would result in 100% sanitation coverage in Zone 8. The stakeholders of the project are the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, national and regional agencies, Jakarta Sewerage Authority, Perumda Paljaya, and the Water Utility, Perumda PAM Jaya. Zone 8 constitutes the continuation of augmenting sewer based domestic wastewater services, potentially funded by third parties.

Investment Cost
IDR. 12,28 Trillion

Project Type : PPP, open discuss
Investment Opportunity : PPP, open discuss
Source of Revenue : Fare Revenue
Current Status : Preliminary Feasibility Study

Financial Analysis

Contact for further information

Expected Start Date

Contact for further information


North Jakarta

Contact Info

Name : Novarida Hidayanti
Email : antinovarida@gmail.com
Job Title : Business Development Manager
Phone Number : +6281382222942

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