potential projects

Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS) Zone 5

Project Overview

In 2012, JICA developed a revised master plan which aimed to provide conventional sewerage services to 80% of the city. This plan, with a scheduled completion of works in 2050, divided the city into 15 sewerage zones. Works on the first stage commenced with Japanese Government loan funding for three zones which includes Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 6.

Zone 5 is a continuation of the augmented sewer based domestic wastewater services, with a potential to be funded by third parties. Zone 5 is of strategic importance, bordered in the North by the coastline and the port of Tanjung Priok and extending into Kemayoran district. Many significant high-rise buildings are located in the zone, including numerous apartment blocks, shopping and commercial complexes, and light industrial areas. The Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of DKI Jakarta Sewerage Zone 5 was prepared by Virama Karya in 2016 (under Perumda Paljaya).

Jakarta Sewerage System (JSS) Zone 5 covers an area of about 3,439 ha and consists of 20 sub-districts (Kelurahan) in 5 districts (Kecamatan) in North and Central Jakarta municipality (DKI Jakarta). The location of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for the zone is on the east side of Waduk Sunter Utara, with an available area of about 4.6 ha. The land use classification in the Municipal Spatial Plans of DKI Jakarta 2030 (Peraturan Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Jakarta 2030) is used as reference for the JSS Zone 5 concept design.

Potential customers and connections in Zone 5 are estimated from the land use as described in Table 1. But for the purpose of further detailed design, it is recommended to conduct a baseline survey to indicate the potential connection for every sewer line route in the area. The estimated investment cost of JSS Zone 5 is 6.730.900 million rupiah consisting of 1.260.500 millions rupiah for the WWTP and 5.470.400 millions rupiah for the sewerage system.

Investment Cost
IDR. 6,73 Trillion

Project Type : Construction
Investment Opportunity : Business to Business Scheme
Source of Revenue : Jakarta User Charges
Current Status : Contact for further information

Financial Analysis

Contact for further information

Expected Start Date

Contact for further information


North Side of Waduk Sunter Utara

Contact Info

Name : Novarida Hidayanti
Email : antinovarida@gmail.com
Job Title : Business Development Manager
Phone Number : +6281382222942

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