What’s up in September? JIC facilitates 6 potential collaborators in Jakarta

JAKARTA (3/10) - Jakarta Investment Centre (JIC) was delighted to facilitate six potential global collaborators from various sectors including Berlin.de, Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) Thailand, RE Sustainability, Henan BCCY Environmental Energy Co., Ltd. Makara Marine Aquaculture, ARISE+, Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) and Sabana Jurong in Jakarta throughout September 2022. Here is a glimpse of the meetings’ sums up:

berlin.de & DEPA Thailand

As a gateway to investment in Jakarta, JIC received the delegations from Berlin.de and Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) Thailand on Friday, September 2nd 2022. This visit was a follow-up from a collaboration between Jakarta Capital City Government and State Government of Berlin through the “Smart Change” project, an initiative to empower smart city and urban innovation ecosystems. The project also engaged with the city of Bangkok to exchange best practices in the city. JIC hopes this peer-to-peer exchange will further accelerate smart cities across the region and even globally.


Re Sustainability Limited