potential projects

Green Shelter Electricity

Project Overview

Transjakarta iconic shelters are not only enhancing passengers' experience but also become attraction icons and thus business opportunities. 

To further enhance its positive image PT Transportasi Jakarta is looking to install solar panel electricity, as means to support the government eco green program, as much as to help provide adequate power for retail business to operate within the shelters.

PT Transportasi Jakarta is looking for partnership with potential investors to provide investment in solar panel installation within the iconic shelters and be part of the eco green movement along with +1,000,000 daily Transjakarta passengers (*)data per June 13, 2023). 

Since 2022, PT Transportasi Jakarta have operated several iconic shelters such as Halte CSW, Halte Bundaran HI, and Halte Tosari, as well as several other revitalized shelters with retail areas.

Electricity consumption is indeed a critical factor to ensure not only shelter operational, but also for our retail partners to serve passengers

With Transjakarta shelters become more of attraction points for passengers, demand of retail partnerships are increased – and thus the need for power stability is a must

PT Transportasi Jakarta is looking to support eco green program and hence assessing to install solar panel as means to increase power, and at the same time enhance its positive and iconic image to Jakarta public.

In order to achieve its goal, PT Transjakarta is looking for partnership with potential investors in providing the solar panel installation within its iconic and integrated shelters, namely Halte Bundaran HI, Halte Thamrin, Halte Dukuh Atas.


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