Re Sustainability Limited and Perumda Pal Jaya meeting on Friday (11/11)
JAKARTA 14/11 - Jakarta Investment Centre (JIC) facilitated a follow-up visit from a potential investor, Re Sustainability Limited (Re), on November 10th-11th 2022 to Jakarta. The company which specializes in sustainable waste management explores potential collaboration with three relevant regional owned companies of Jakarta Capital City Government.
Re's visit to PT KBN's office on Thursday (10/11)
In a meeting with PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (KBN), Re discussed further about potential projects in hazardous waste management facilities at the C-5 zone of PT KBN in Marunda, North Jakarta. Next, the team also had a meeting with Perumda Pal Jaya to explore potential partnerships in Jakarta’s wastewater management. Moreover, Re also met with Perumda Sarana Jaya to discuss potential collaboration regarding Intermediate Treatment Facility’s (ITF) Flying Ash Bottom Ash (FABA) project.
Re and Perumda Sarana Jaya meeting on Friday (11/11)
For information, Re had previously visited Jakarta on September 7th-8th 2022. Jakarta is looking forward to realizing this potential collaboration on sustainable waste management onwards!