Total Investment Realization
In the first quarter of 2023, Indonesia managed to achieve investment realization of IDR 328.9 trillion, an increase of 4.5% (QoQ) and 16.5% (YoY). This figure also indicates an achievement of 23.5% of the 2023 investment target of IDR 1,400 trillion. In addition, investment realization in the first quarter of 2023 has also succeeded in absorbing a workforce of 384,892 people.
FDI and DDI Investment Realization
In the first quarter of 2023, foreign investment (FDI) reached IDR 177.0 trillion (53.8%) with growth of 1.1% (QoQ) and 20.2% (YoY), while Domestic Investment (DDI) reached IDR 151.9 trillion (46.2%) with growth of 8.8% (QoQ) and 12.4% (YoY).
Realization Based on Investment Location
Based on location, the largest investment realization in the first quarter of 2023 was outside Java Island amounting to IDR 172.9 trillion (52.6%) with growth of 5.3% (QoQ) and 16.5% (YoY), while in Java Island it was IDR 156.0 trillion (47.4%) with growth of 3.6% (QoQ) and 16.7% (YoY).
Realization Based on Sector Investment
The basic metal, metal goods, non-machinery and equipment industrial sectors absorbed the most investment with a value of IDR 46.7 trillion, followed by the transportation, warehouse and telecommunications sector with IDR 36.1 trillion, the mining sector with IDR 33.5 trillion. trillion trillion, the housing, industrial area and office sectors amounting to Rp. 27.9 trillion, and the chemical and pharmaceutical industry sector amounting to Rp. 22.6 trillion.