
Jakarta Investment Realization Q1 (Jan - Mar) 2024

Jakarta is no longer the capital city of Indonesia under law number 2 of 2024 regarding the Special Regional Province of Jakarta. Despite this, Jakarta's investment landscape has remained strong, resilient, and attractive to investors. This is reflected in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024 (January-March), when Jakarta’s investment realization reached IDR 58 trillion and secured the second spot nationally with a 14.5% contribution. Furthermore, this investment realization in Jakarta indicates the investor’s trust and confidence in Jakarta’s growth and supports Jakarta's mission to become a global city.


The investment realization in Q1 2024 showed a remarkable increase of 60.2% compared to the same period last year. The Domestic direct investment (DDI) was a major contributor during this period, totaling IDR 35.3 trillion, an 86% increase compared to Q1 2023. At the same time, foreign direct investment (FDI) increased by 28% from last year, reaching US$ 1.54 million. This upward trend in investment highlights Jakarta's appeal as a promising investment hub, attracting local and international investors.

Moreover, South Jakarta remains the leading area for investment realization, with IDR 24.3 trillion, 41.6% of the total investment across Jakarta. In the breakdown of investment realization in Jakarta, Central Jakarta has the highest DDI with IDR 12 trillion or 20.6% of the total DDI in Jakarta. Simultaneously, South Jakarta has the highest FDI with IDR 14 trillion, representing 24.8% of the total FDI in Jakarta. Overall, during Q1 2024, investment realization increased in every region of Jakarta compared to the same period last year for both Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).


Based on the sectors, the biggest investment in Jakarta came from transportation, warehouse, and telecommunication, contributing IDR 19.6 trillion, which is 33.6% of the total investment in Q1 2024. Moreover, in Q1 2024, the other services sector was Jakarta's second-largest contributor to investment, with IDR 10.6 trillion or 18.3%. The trade and reparation sector was third, with IDR 8.3 trillion or 14.3%. Hence, these top three sectors combined for a total of IDR 38.6 trillion or 66.2% of the total investment realization in Jakarta during this period.

In conclusion, Jakarta has demonstrated strong economic growth despite no longer being Indonesia's capital, with a 60.2% increase in investments from the same period last year. The transportation, warehouse, telecommunication, services, and trade and reparation sectors were the largest, contributing 66.2% of the total investment. Thus, with all of these achievements in Q1 2024, Jakarta is set to take a new role post-capital city as the National Center of Economic and Global City, which acts as the center of trade & services and financial services, as well as the center of global and national business activities.



Nodingub Realisasi TW I 2024 DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta



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