Courtesy Visit to HKETO

On January 29th 2024 Jakarta Investment Centre (JIC), represented by Mrs. Kiki Yunita, Head of Investment Promotion Unit, held a courtesy visit to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) in Jakarta. The JIC delegation was welcomed by Mr Andy Hermanto, Deputy Head of Business and Talent Attraction and Mr Cosmas Octavianus, Assistant Manager of Business and Talent Attraction.

HKETO is the key representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government which covers the ASEAN countries. The purpose is to increase Hong Kong’s economic and trade relationships in the area, focusing particularly on Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and the Philippines.

HKETO also helps businesses interested in starting or growing their operations in Hong Kong. This effort not only builds stronger connections but also highlights the great opportunities Hong Kong offers as a place to invest and do business, which is something the Jakarta Investment Centre is excited to share with its community.

During this meeting, the JIC and HKETO discussed the possibility of collaborating on investment promotion with InvestHK especially in sectors that typically attract Hong Kong investment and business entities in Jakarta such as hotel and restaurant, trade, housing and office building.

JIC and HKETO have agreed to enhance mutual communication to improve the investment climate in Jakarta.


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