MoU signing between PT Transportasi Jakarta and Switch Mobility Ltd. in London (13/5)
LONDON (13/5) - PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with London-based electric bus provider and producer company, Switch Mobility Limited, on May 13th 2022 to provide electric bus fleets in Jakarta.
“This is one of TransJakarta’s commitment in providing electric buses for our future fleets,” said Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan who attended the signing.
He added that through this MoU, TransJakarta is expected to have wider access to electric bus fleet providers. Not only limited to locals but also from other parts of the world, especially the United Kingdom (UK).
“We consider that the UK has a lot of innovations in the sector of technology, funding as well as procurement with a rapid development,” Anies said.
CEO of PT TransJakarta M. Yana Aditya welcomes this collaboration to provide electric bus as Jakarta’s public transportation as a positive contribution to the Net Zero Emission goal target.
Yana added that currently his counterpart is in an engagement stage with Switch Mobility Ltd. that is planning to test their buses in TransJakarta’s line in accordance with the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) applied for TransJakarta’s testing and operational standard.
“We want to ensure that the passengers’ need for electric bus implementation can be fulfilled optimally,” he said.
The trial process is expected to run in Q2 2023. If the trial goes according to plan, both parties will continue this partnership to operate officially in serving passengers.
Yana added, the Indonesian Government through the Paris Agreement 2015 is targeting to reach Net Zero Emission goal in 2060 and has set the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to decrease 29 percent of GHG emissions by 2030, or up to 41% with international help.
“One of the factors to reach that goal is by decarbonization through the transportation sector. We believe that this target can be realized considering that conventional buses will be fully electrified with electric buses by 2030,” he said.
This MoU was signed by the CEO of PT Transportasi Jakarta M. Yana Aditya and Chief Planning Officer of Switch Mobility Ltd. Sarwant Singh, witnessed by the Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan and MP Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Indonesia Richard Graham.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Kingdom Desra Percaya, Assistant to the Provincial Secretary for Economic and Finance of Jakarta Sri Haryati, Head of Department for Transportation of Jakarta Syafrin Liputo, as well as Director of Engineering and Facilities of TransJakarta Yoga Adiwinarto were also present in the event.
Source: Antara News
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