Reviving economy, Jakarta Capital City Government provides incentives and ease of payment for rural and urban land and building tax (PBB-P2)


JAKARTA (12/6) - The Jakarta Capital City Government provides fiscal incentive and ease of tax payment through the Governor Regulation Number 23 of 2022 regarding the policy on Stipulation and Payment of Rural and Urban Land and Building Tax (PBB P2) as an Effort for Economic Recovery 2022.

This policy issuance is a form of the Jakarta Capital City Government’s concern for the society as well as an effort to revive the economy through regional taxes. This statement was conveyed by the Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on Sunday (12/6).

“As is well known, regional taxes have an important role in the life of a state as a regional revenue that is used to finance all regional expenditures. Moreover, the government needs a large budget to tackle the spread of Covid-19 pandemic as well as restoring the economy, including in Jakarta,” said Anies as stated in the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) of the Jakarta Capital City Government press release.

The fiscal incentive and ease of payment policy of PBB-P2 contents are as follows:

1. Policy for Issuing the Tax Objection Notification Letters (SPPT) of Land and Building Tax (PBB) 2022

    a) Residential objects belonging to private persons.

1) Taxable value of property (NJOP) up to less than IDR 2 billion is 100 percent


2) NJOP of more than IDR 2 billion: given a deduction factor (based on the minimum area of land and buildings needed for a simple healthy house, which is 60 square meters for land area and 36 square meters for buildings) and an exemption of 10 percent.

    b) Apart from residential housing, 15 percent is exempted.

2. Payment Policy of PBB 2022

    a) Tax relief and elimination of administrative sanctions

1) Fiscal Year 2022:

  • A 15 percent discount is given for payment in June - August 2022.
  • A 10 percent discount is given for payment in September - October 2022.
  • A 5 percent discount is given for payment in November 2022.

Sanctions are removed 100 percent for payments 1 month after maturity date.

2) Fiscal Year 2013-2021:

  • A 10 percent discount is given for payment in June - October 2022.
  • A 5 percent discount is given if paying in November - December 2022.
  • Sanctions are removed 100 percent.

b) Tax principal installments and elimination of administrative sanctions for taxpayers with PBB stipulations above Rp100 million.

1) Fiscal Year 2022:

  • A 15 percent discount for payment in June - August 2022.
  • A 10 percent discount is given for payment in September - October 2022.
  • A 5 percent discount for payment in November 2022.
  • Sanctions are removed 100 percent for payment in 1 month after maturity date.

2) Fiscal Year 2013-2021:

  • A 10 percent discount is given for payment in June - October 2022.
  • A 5 percent discount is given for payment in November - December 2022.
  • Sanctions are removed 100 percent.

Aligning with the digital transformation of tax payments, SPPT PBB-P2 Year 2022 can be obtained by the Jakarta community via electronic through online tax e-SPPT at page.    

“Tax payment is essentially a form of gotong royong (mutual support) in strengthening the economy of our beloved Jakarta Capital City Government. Therefore, we encourage the Jakarta community to utilize this incentive and ease of payment,” Anies said.


Source: Berita Jakarta

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