Jakarta - Japan Exclusive Brunch Meeting Strengthening the Role as The National Economic and Business Hub

On October 25th, 2024, Jakarta Investment Centre (JIC) in collaboration with Jakarta Japan Club just hosted the Jakarta-Japan Exclusive Brunch Meeting at The Westin Jakarta to strengthen mutual relationships and promote economic growth between Jakarta and Japan. Carrying "Strengthening the Role as The National Economic and Business Hub" as a theme, this important event brought together representatives from the Jakarta Japan Club, Japan Embassy, JICA, Jakarta Provincial Government Working Units, Jakarta’s Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD), and Japanese business entities from various sectors.

The meeting featured insightful speeches from key figures, including Mrs. Sri Haryati, Assistant to the Provincial Secretary for Economic and Finance, who delivered the keynote address, followed by remarks from Mr. Kikuchihara Shinichi, Chairman of Jakarta Japan Club (JJC). The session included a presentation by Mrs. Tona Hutauruk, Head of the Jakarta Investment Centre, who provided an overview of Jakarta's investment landscape and shared valuable insights into the Jakarta Investment Catalyst Initiative (JICI), a proactive program aimed to create more investment opportunities through a comprehensive Development Brief. Besides JICI, Jakarta also offered strategic projects in various sectors such as infrastructure, waste-water management, property, and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) which are ready to be collaborated with the potential investors.
This brunch meeting highlighted the importance of collaboration towards investment opportunities in Jakarta's various strategic projects. Such events play a crucial role in strengthening relationships and promoting economic growth between Jakarta and Japan.


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