Jakarta's Business Forum at Expo 2020 Dubai Offers Investment Potential

HALLO INDONESIA - The Jakarta administration enlivened the Expo 2020 Dubai series by holding a business forum at the Theater Pavillion Indonesia

It was attended by the Indonesian Ambassador to United Arab Emirates Husni Bagis, as well as Economy and Finance Assistant for City Secretary Sri Haryati

As a speaker, Haryati was optimistic about the investment potential in Jakarta accompanied by the development of various strategic projects by continuing to provide easy access to investment for world investors.

"After the event, we also had direct discussions with investors who are interested in the projects we offer. This forum is expected to open the world investors to the great potential of investing in Jakarta," she said, Wednesday, 16th March 2022.

It also involved four BUMDs, namely PT MRT Jakarta, PT Transjakarta, PT Jakarta Propetindo (Jakpro), and Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya.

On that occasion, the Jakarta administration offered investment potential from various projects which were calculated to touch the figure of Rp 100 trillion.

"Our opportunity is very big. But for today, in terms of the total project, it could be up to Rp 100 trillion. This could be a potential investment," she explained.

Karl Kikuts, one of the investors from the Australian investment firm MERC LCC uttered Jakarta has a very high investment potential as it has a large population and rapid progress in various sectors such as transportation and property.

"It is very good and there are many choices and in-depth information presented by each individual on the topic of transportation, property, MRT, and LRT," he stated.

As for the information, today's business forum at Expo 2020 Dubai will continue with a one-on-one meeting agenda between Jakarta BUMDs and investors.


This article was published in www.hallo.id with the title "Jakarta's Business Forum at Expo 2020 Dubai Offers Investment Potential". Click to read: https://www.hallo.id/english/pr-282981109/jakartas-business-forum-at-expo-2020-dubai-offers-investment-potential?page=2 


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